How Latico Leathers Increased Referral Revenue by Over $18,000 at a 17.3x ROI

Latico Leathers is a boutique leather goods brand for the free-spirited. Founded in 1984, their handcrafted bags have gained an impressive fan base over the years. When Latico Leather’s Head of eCommerce, Ben Schreiber, realized how much the cost of paid ads were increasing, he began searching for alternative customer acquisition channels.

Knowing that implementing a referral program could help reduce their blended cost to acquire new customers, Ben originally tried launching a program with Referral Candy. To his disappointment, the program required more manual labor resources than they had, and was hardly generating any revenue. For these reasons, they decided to sunset the program altogether.

Ben recognized that his team’s time was too valuable to spend on tedious tasks that seemed painfully simple to automate. This left them with word-of-mouth happening among customers, and no strong incentive to grow revenue via customer referrals.

“For brands with smaller teams, it’s a waste of time to spend hours manually onboarding and managing influencers, that time is much better used doing more proactive things.”

That’s when they decided to take another look.

The right software makes a big difference

After seeing Social Snowball mentioned by several peers on Twitter, Ben decided to give the app a try.

Within a few weeks, Ben and the whole Latico team were pleasantly surprised with the platform’s ability to generate significant referral activation with little to no manual effort needed.

latico leathers referral program

Having a loyal fan base and a repeat customer rate of nearly 40%, Ben was relieved to finally capture referral value from the brand’s raving customers and provide a strong incentive to refer that was nearly automatic.

Latico’s strategy with their program was simple: Offer generous fixed incentives, and present them at touch points in the post-purchase journey where customers are most motivated to share.

To accomplish this, they integrated Social Snowball with their Klaviyo and KnoCommerce accounts. Ben attributes a lot of their program’s success to these integrations.

“The post purchase email flow incorporating Social Snowball reminders has really helped drive revenue, and the integration with Knocommerce’s post-purchase survey has helped increase our activation rate noticeably.”

The results speak for themselves

A few months into using Social Snowball, Ben was thrilled to see the revenue it was generating at such a high ROI, without the manual effort other platforms required.

The results?

  • Increasing referral revenue by over $18,000 after switching from Referral Candy
  • Reducing blended CAC by unlocking a new results-based growth channel
  • Generating revenue at a 17.3x ROI

Ben and the team were thrilled with the scale Social Snowball brought to their referral program.

“The level of hands-off automation that Social Snowball brings especially once integrated with Klaviyo and our thank you page- allowed our referral program to truly take off.”

The right referral program can move the needle

Social Snowball is now a key piece of Latico Leather’s tech stack, and plays a crucial role in their ability to maintain a low blended CAC while the costs of paid ads continue to spike. You can try creating your program and running it for 30-days free with Social Snowball here.

Success Stories
Published on
November 18, 2022
Written by
Katie Krische
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