Meet Safelinks: An affiliate link that generates unique, single-use discount codes for every customer that clicks on it - eliminating coupon fraud and affiliate attribution errors
Try a Safelink
Successful Referral
Successful Referral
Successful Referral
"Using Safelinks not only allows merchants to prevent coupon codes from being maliciously leaked, but also gives the opportunity to give influencers and creators a chance to greet their own audience, on the brands site."
"By implementing Social Snowball’s Safelinks we’ll be able for the first time to use unique codes at scale to ensure promotions are used as intended and protect our business."
"A significant downside of referral codes are leaks to coupon code aggregators. Now with real-time single use code creation for each referral, this problem has been solved."
Safelinks allow affiliates to offer discounts to their audience without the risk of codes leaking. Here's how it works: